
The Sisyphian Society meets to discuss two kinds of topics, alternating between (1) those related to the optimization of everyday life and its tasks and, in an effort to entice the general public, (2) those considered “fun” topics.

The current pandemic required the Society begin conducting its meetings remotely. In light of that change, the Society also decided to begin publishing the Proceedings of those meetings as a periodical auditory journal, or “podcast”.

Visitors can listen to the podcast on this website or, preferably, subscribe using a variety of applications.

Please consider corresponding with and supporting the Society to contribute to its future meetings and further its objectives.

“Praise” for Proceedings.

“Honestly, some of the ‘boring’ topics sounded more fun than the ‘fun’ ones.”
—ninjavideo, via Apple Podcasts/iTunes

“I had quite a bit of fun listening, despite your warnings to turn me to more productive activities.”

“For a brief moment, I was filled with elation and joy.”
—First Official Loyal Fan David

“You two should be locked up!”
—Kyle’s grandmother

“It’s like candy. You can only have so much before you feel sick.”
—Matt, co-host